Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Collecting Visitors Email Addresses

If you collect a visotrs email address rather than trying to sell them a product/service just once via your website, you can email them offers, links to new content, deals etc...

One way to collect email addresses is offer a free product that requires an email address to gain access to the download link.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Email SPAM is a four letter word

It's very tempting to SPAM your offers/services via email. Don't do it, you'll get a bad name for yourself and get your email addresses and potentially domains blacklisted!

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Your Home Business WebSite

It's very important your business website looks professional, if you have the cash consider paying for a website to be created for you, if not consider WordPress, with little effort this blogging platform can be turned into a general CMS without paying a penny.

For a one off £10 you can even buy search engine optimized WordPress themes with AdSense ads included from AdSense Templates.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Create a Business Niche

It's so easy to see a great oppurtunity that 20,000 other people have already seen and are doing. Try to find a niche that either no one or very few others have spotted.

Unfortunatly I can't give you a list of great niche business ideas since I'd use them myself :)